Monday, November 14, 2016

Reflecting on the First Trimester

Hello All:

I'm back from my long hiatus. It has been a crazy year so far and my research has come along way. When I initially cam into AP research, I was pretty set on studying behavioral economics, specifically price anchoring. As I read more into price anchoring, I was still very fascinated with it, but I also found that research on the topic was saturated and there was not a lot for me to contribute to the field. Also, as I read into behavioral economics journals, I became more interested in time pressure, social factors, and subconscious factors that influence behavior.

Through all of my reading, I eventually came to the topic of gambling and behavioral influences of gambling. Although it is a lot different from my initial idea, I feel like I found an area that I can contribute to and am extremely interested in. After that, I had to start the lit review process and it left me looking a little like this.

At the start of the lit review, I was very lost on how to structure my argument. But as I read more, I began to realize that I had to explain all of the effects and relate them together. But that was not an easy task. The biggest problem I had with my lit review was my trouble putting my subtopics in conversation and justifying that the effects I chose were the most important to look at.

But through conversation with Mrs. Haag and my peer-review group, Kimy and Brian, I figured it all out. I had to create a new framework and add in more psychological elements in order to justify the effects that I used. 

Now that the lit review is done, I am excited to move on to the methods. I am currently thinking of using an observational study to understand the effects. I will need four groups: a control group and a group for each effect. I am a little nervous about trying to get a wide sample and a lot of people to participate in my study because without a wide variety of people, my results will not be meaningful. Hopefully, I can start reaching out to potential participants soon. As I read my literature, I will get a better sense of the specifics of my methods and create an experiment that will yield meaningful results.

Here is a meme to for reading the whole post. (417)


  1. Hey Max!!!
    Besides all the grammar mistakes, it was a pretty good blog post! I loved the Conan reference and the Putin pun at the end (by which I mean I hated it –JK!) Anyways, congratulations on finding a topic that you loved, discovering that you had nothing to contribute to it, and finding another topic that you loved but could contribute to! I say congratulations because if I were you and I couldn’t find a gap in the research to fill in, I would probably tell myself to continue reading more research papers until I found a gap, which is probably not good. Anyways, keep up the good work! Your topic sounds really interesting and I can’t wait to see what conclusions you find!!! (126)

  2. HEY MAX!!!
    I just want to say that your topic has evolved a lot since you the first day of class and that is a testament to the research and the hours you have put in to finding a topic that you are passionate about but that you can also contribute your own findings to. With regards to your focus group, will you end up using a convenient sample or are you confident that you can pick a random sample for your focus group? Also, if you need any help organizing a focus group or something like that, I am definitely willing to help. We may even be able to use BASIS on the same day in order to conduct our studies!!!

  3. I agree with Lucia that your flexibility is an asset. If you had just stubbornly clung to your original idea, your research would likely not be meaningful or significant. As you recommended to Ved, it's likely that you'll want to reach out to participants sooner rather than later. Also, I'd like to chat about what you're thinking in terms of an observational study. You'll also likely want to keep track of exactly what people bet and when people bet, so it might be a bit more structured in its data collection as a result.
