Sunday, March 26, 2017

Presentation Time

Hello All:

The end of the year is getting so close!! It's so exciting but also so scary. Our papers are nearing their final stages and our presentations are beginning to take shape. As we move on to the presentations, it is extremely important to understand the rubric and how my script and slides fall into it right now. One thing I will say is that I think I went way overboard with the script and had a lot of trouble cutting out all of the information from my paper. I have grown so near to every word in my paper that it is painstaking for me to take out one of my babies (I mean ideas) from the presentation. Hopefully you guys can reign me in and help me condense my paper into true presentation form. It will not be an easy ask but I am excited to get it done.

I think I do a really good job of completing the first two rubric rows. It may be overly long-winded and over the top but it definitely still gets the job done. I discuss the research design fully and explain every step of my experiment and how it relates to my research question. At the end of the presentation I also bring it all back together and discuss my findings in relation to the prior literature, connecting claims and bringing the argument of my research full circle. I also think I identify the consequences and limitations of the research clearly (but not concisely), completing row two of the rubric.

Rubric row three was something I do not think I have put enough of into the script. Although I did state my hypothesis after my research question, I never fully and explicitly articulate how the findings caused my own personal growth and opinions to change. I definitely explain how the research relates to the prior literature that I explained, but I do not really relate that to my hypothesis directly as much as I probably should.

For rubric row four, I feel like I have pretty engaging and easy to follow slides, but how I score on the rubric will depend on my delivery of the presentation. I'm sure that with practice I will be able to engage the audience and deliver a great presentation.

Hopefully this week I will condense my script and be on my way to a great presentation!! (403)


  1. Hey max! After reading your script and looking at your slides, I think that, overall, you did a pretty good job. I think that your slides were really engaging and interesting, and you did a pretty good job conveying useful information in the script. That being said, there are still some things that need to be worked on. Starting with the script, I think that you need to work on cutting down your lit review. Its currently at about 800 words, and should be closer to 400-500. I think if you shorten your definitions of each effect, then that should help a lot. Also, I agree that you need to work some more on row 3 with stating how your thinking changed throughout this process.

    Now, moving onto the slides. As I mentioned earlier, you probably had the most interesting slides that I have seen so far. I like how you integrated the images into the background. Most of my problems with this section were little things that I mentioned on the doc. One thing that I do want to mention though is that you have one image used for three separate slides, so I think that is something that could be changed up. Anyways, good job with what you have done so far and good luck with the rest of your project!

  2. Maxxxxx!!!! Awesome stuff dude -- your presentation, even though it could still be improved, does a lot of things right. For example, I like how you have managed to keep the words to a very bare minimum in your slides. Also, some of the backgrounds/pictures look really good like the "control group" slide which I believe is currently slide 12. Nonetheless, I would aim to make some of the slides more engaging. Many of the slides just have a couple words sitting in one of the corners with a lot of empty space all around, making them a bit dull at times. I would also add some cool transitions to give more of a dynamic feel to your presentation. Having the same background or black backgrounds makes the presentation seem like you are going through bricks.

    In regards to your script, I think you do a great job of making your voice sound less like a paper and more like a presentation. However, with that being said, I do think you need to cut down on words. Your context and methods, for example, go on for quite a long time -- just include what is of most importance to the presentation. Also, I think the end could use a section on the implications of your results (this will also speak to the significance of the study as well).

    Keep it up Max!

  3. Hey Max! Your presentation was so great! It was really unique and engaging. I love that you used the relevant images as the backdrop and chose simple description/titles. I think some of the pictures did not feel connected to the script and were almost too abstract (leaving the audience wondering what it has to do with the project). I agree with Sergio that there is a lot of empty space on some slides. You could possibly add some figures into the presentation that are in your script (like how much the gambling industry is worth). But other than that, I really love the layout!

    In terms of your script, your project requires lots of explanation, as you analyze and experiment with three different effects, so overall I think you do such an excellent job of cutting down words as much as you could. I think there are a lot of points where you reiterate points you just made (acting kind of like a warrant, but adding too many words to your script). For example, you reiterate how this research brings up further questions several times. I agree with Brian that where you can most cut down is in your literature review and methods. You go into way too much detail when describing each effect, often using a lengthy definition and then a clarification when you could just use one or the other. You do a really good job of putting sources in conversation with each other and using multiple pieces of evidence to support one of your points, which is really good in the paper, but could be cut down in your script. Other than that, I thought you did a really excellent job introducing the topic and the gap! Really awesome job overall!
